In 1988, the American Society of Criminology (ASC) established a program called “Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities.” This program provided financial support for “minority” graduate students seeking doctoral degrees in criminology and related disciplines. By 2015, 72 graduate students were recipients of this Fellowship.The success of these 72 students is a testament to the benefits that such financial resources provide for students from underrepresented groups. The recipients’ success also highlights their intellectual abilities and resourcefulness in completing Ph.Ds. as the support provided by ASC was strictly financial. It did not include mentoring or professional development activities. A change from this approach was set in motion in 2015.
During ASC’s 2015 Annual Awards Plenary, then-President Candace Kruttschnitt announced the renaming of the Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities to the Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity. This change provided recognition of Ruth as the first African American President of the ASC (beginning November 2015), and honored her contributions to mentoring and supporting underrepresented scholars in their pursuits of academic success. The first three Fellows bearing Peterson’s name were also installed (Charlene Harris, Jeaneé Miller, and Julian Thompson). The announcement came as a complete surprise to Rudy. She remains in awe of the fact that such an honor has been bestowed upon her.
The following year, as President of the society, Ruth herself had the honor of inducting three additional Peterson Fellows (Colleen Berryessa, Kristlelynn Caraballo, and John Navarro). By then, she had started thinking that there should be a substantive program to go along with financial assistance to the fellows. She developed a proposal to that effect, which was approved by the ASC Board under the auspices of then-President-Elect Karen Heimer. Thus, was born the PFDP.
2018-2019 Peterson Fellows
The PFDP provides a set of activities to enhance the academic success and research careers of Peterson Fellows. The inaugural Peterson Fellows’ Professional Development Workshop was held in conjunction with ASC’s 2019 Annual Meeting with plans for this to become an annual event. This website is another major activity of the program. It provides information on the participants (beginning with the 2015 Cohort), programmatic activities of the PFDP, and additional resources that may be helpful to scholars in the early stages of their careers.
The Ruth D. Peterson Fellowships for Racial and Ethnic Diversity is designed to encourage students of color, especially those from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the field, to enter the field of criminology and criminal justice, and to facilitate the completion of their degrees. Please apply for the Peterson Fellowship online at the ASC website. The components of the application process are described below.
Applicants are to be from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the field, including but not limited to, Asians, Blacks, Indigenous peoples, and Latinas/os. Applicants need not be members of the American Society of Criminology. Individuals studying criminology or criminal justice issues are encouraged to apply. Recipients of the fellowships must be accepted into a program of doctoral studies.
Application Procedures
A complete application must contain: (1) proof of admission to a criminal justice, criminology, or related program of doctoral studies; (2) up-to-date curriculum vitae; (3) personal statement from the applicant as to their race or ethnicity; (4) copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts; (5) statement of need and prospects for financial assistance for graduate study; (6) a letter describing career plans, salient experiences, and nature of interest in criminology and criminal justice; and (7) three letters of reference. All application materials should be submitted to the Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship Committee Chair in electronic format as a single pdf attachment.
Three (3), $6,000 fellowships are awarded each year, paid out in November.
Submission Deadline
All items should be submitted in electronic format by March 1, of the relevant year of application:
Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship Committee Chair:
Alexes Harris for 2021 Applications.
ASC’s Executive Board may decide not to award the fellowships in any given year.
⋅ Timeline
2015 →
ASC’s Minority Fellowship Program renamed the Ruth D. Peterson Fellowships for Racial and Ethnic Diversity under auspices of President Candace Kruttschnitt
2018 →
Proposal for the Peterson Fellows’ Development Program (PFDP) submitted to President Karen Heimer
2019 →
PFDP established
PFDP committee appointed and inaugural committee meeting held
PFDP inaugural professional development workshop held, November 2019, San Francisco
2020 →
PFDP website developed
PFDP held its 2nd annual professional development workshop; November 2020, Virtual
2021 →
RDCJN “Our Stories” made available to Peterson Fellows, July 2021
Stand-alone PFDP “Job Market Workshop” held for Peterson Fellows on the market; September 2021, Virtual
PFDP 3rd annual professional development workshop scheduled; November 2021, Chicago
Current PFDP Committee Members
Professor Emerita of Sociology, Ohio State University (2018-2021)
Former PFDP Committee Members
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University-Newark (2018-2019)
Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg (2019-2022)
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Stanford University (2018-2020)
Assistant Professor of Justice, Law, and Criminology, American University (2018-2021)
Professor of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University (2018-2019)